Video: I’m On a Love Boat (Live at First Night)

Remember that boat we just could NOT shut-the-eff-up about? Well, one of the songs we put together for that gig ended up being a perfect set-closer, so we dun’ kept it. It seems a little odd to sing about boats when your feet are firmly planted on dry land, but have you met us? We’re odd.

In all its glory from the First Night event, courtesy of the video magic that is Eric & Erik (have you guys considered going into business together?), Bait & Switch proudly presents:

“I’m On A Love Boat” (Live at First Night)

Again, major props to Erik Truby and Eric S. Donaldson for video & audio, and Eric D. for editing and uploading to the Tube for us.

Anyone else still feel like they’re on a boat? No? Just me then.